=============== Copresence Docs =============== Welcome to the Copresence documentation. It serves as a comprehensive manual for users and developers wanting to create, inspect and integrate avatars created on the Copresence platform. Overview ======== Copresence is a platform for photorealistic avatars. Our intuitive recording app allows end users to record themselves. Recorded avatars are then exported as industry standard 3D assets that can be used for various use cases. The process of creating and using an avatar is summarized in the following graph: .. image:: _static/avatar_pipeline_overview.png :width: 800 :align: center Users record themselves via the Copresence app, which then uploads and processes this data on the Copresence cloud to create avatars. Each avatar is exported into multiple 3D asset formats, with a number of default asset formats accompanying each avatar. For specific integration needs, such as compatibility with existing character systems or artist workflows, Copresence offers customized export formats. Exported assets are accessible through: 1. *Web app*: A platform for game developers and 3D artists to view and download individual asset files. 2. *Integration API*: An API that allows developers to incorporate Copresence avatars directly into their applications or games, facilitating user-generated avatar scans. Contents ======== The following pages guide you through the process of recording, accessing and integrating our avatars. If you have any further questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 mobile_app.md web_app.md asset_exports.md unreal.md metahuman.md unity.md api.rst