Copresence Mobile App

The Copresence mobile app enables users to record photorealistic avatars of themselves.

Installation and Setup

The app is currently compatible with the following devices:

  • iPhone 12 series

  • iPhone 13 series

  • iPhone 14 series

  • iPhone 15 series

We’re working on an Android version that will be released soon.

Please, download the Copresence app from the iOS App Store here. Next, register for an account and authenticate your email as per the instructions provided.

Avatar Recording

To initiate avatar creation, select “Create a new Avatar…”. screenshot

A concise tutorial will guide you through the avatar creation process. screenshot

Experienced users can skip or deactivate this tutorial for future avatar creation sessions. The option to reactivate the tutorial is available within the settings menu.

Please, adhere to the application’s guidelines for avatar capture. Below are some additional tips to guarantee optimal results:

Optimal Lighting Conditions

Ensuring that your face is brightly and evenly lit is crucial for high-quality avatar creation. Avoid:

  • low-light

  • light from the back

  • direct sunlight from the front causing

    • intense highlights

    • shadows (e.g. in your eye sockets)

Optimal lighting conditions can typically be found indoors, in front of a window, but ensuring you’re not facing the sun directly. The upcoming Copresence version drastically improves performance in less optimal lighting conditions and enhances texture quality.

Hair, Glasses, and Accessories

We are currently working hard on the scanning of more complex and long hairstyles. At present, the avatar recording process is optimized for shorter hairstyles or for long hair that is secured back, preferably in a bun. It is important to arrange long hair in such a way that it does not obscure your ears.

Prior to recording, please also remove glasses, headgear, earphones, large earrings, or other accessories.

Avatar Processing

Following the upload of your avatar, processing occurs on the Copresence cloud, typically concluding within 10 minutes. A thumbnail of the processed avatar will be displayed in the app upon completion. screenshot

Avatar Preview

You can preview your avatar by selecting it from the main menu.

The avatar can be rotated and zoomed for a closer examination. screenshot

Activating the mirror mode via the camera icon allows for real-time expression mirroring, utilizing the phone’s selfie camera. screenshot

Avatar Download

Avatar downloading directly from the mobile app is currently not supported. Please refer to the web application for this functionality.
